What Is a



A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves usually caused by a major earthquake on the sea floor, a landslide, or volcanic activity.

Tsunamis are not affected by tides or currents; a tsunami in the ocean means the whole water column is moving, not just the surface. A tsunami can strike any ocean shoreline.

A tsunami wave in the open ocean can be more than 100 km across. That’s roughly the length of 1000 American football fields! Tsunami waves are huge and can travel very quickly, at about 700 km/hr, but they are only about one meter high in the open ocean.

The danger from a tsunami can last for several hours after the arrival of the first wave. Unlike other waves, tsunami waves typically do not curl and break. Coasts affected by a tsunami will be severely eroded. A tsunami can cause flooding hundreds of meters inland. The water moves with such force that it is capable of crushing homes and other buildings.

The purpose of theTsunami Preparedness is to raise awareness, provide information, and give safety advice


A new species of mosquitoes from your property



Coastal Communities

Roll Out Tailored Tsunami

Evacuation Plans



If a tsunami were to threaten the San Diego coast, San Diego’s 10 coastal cities and U.S. Naval installations could refer to new tsunami response “playbooks” that include tailored, phased evacuation and mitigation plans for each area.

“Advanced modeling gives us the ability to more accurately predict who may be impacted by an approaching tsunami,” said Holly Crawford, director of the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services (OES). “The playbooks are actionable plans that will reduce the potential for an over-evacuation of communities, which can lead to additional hazards.”

Each community has worked with the County OES and the state to develop evacuation plans based on their topography, inundation zones and populations along the coast.

County OES Senior Emergency Services Coordinator Mike Davis said San Diego is one of five counties chosen to create the tailored playbooks as part of a state pilot program.

Prior to the new playbooks, the tsunami plan was a single, one-size-fits-all response for communities--from those with steep cliffs and no population to those with docked boats, homes or businesses along the water. In San Diego County, emergency managers had one of two choices: clear the beaches only or evacuate the whole region’s tsunami evacuation zone, with its approximately 33,000 homes and businesses.

“These playbooks will allow us to perform more focused evacuations based on the unique characteristics of the impacted areas and more accurate information about the expected tsunami,” said Davis.

Last year, OES mailed tsunami flood surge maps and evacuation routes to the homes and businesses in the tsunami flood surge zone of each of the ten communities.


The new maps and information will help the public plan. If you don’t receive a tsunami mailer, you most likely do not live or work in a potential tsunami flood area. But spring is here and the shore calls. The new city-specific maps are linked below, and everything you and your family needs to prepare for tsunamis and other disasters is at ReadySanDiego.org.

Do You Live in a Tsunami Flood Zone?  


Schools Adopt County Disaster Lessons


What causes natural disasters and how can I make sure I’m safe? Fifth grade students at a San Carlos elementary school have just started learning about the science of natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, and they will even examine why Mount St. Helens erupted. It’s part of a special new curriculum, called “Be Aware, Be Prepared!”, developed locally by the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services and San Diego County Office of Education. Students will also learn research methodology, language arts, writing, and presentation skills. For more, visit County News Center.


City maps

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